A reduction in the number of abortions in Germany

Publié le 21 Mar, 2016

The number of abortions in Germany has fallen below 100,000 since 2014 and this pattern continued throughout2015. The decrease started in 2001, falling from 135,000 to 99,237.


In France, which has a population of 66 million compared to Germany’s 80 million inhabitants, the number of abortions has continued to rise, amounting to 229,000 in 2015 – hence the political desire to find a solution. “The French Government has even managed the unique feat in Europe of promoting a declining birth rate policy by taking measures that can be perceived as encouraging abortion“. All medical procedures linked to an abortion will be paid for, which is not the case for pregnancy. Thus, “an ultrasound scan with a view to an abortion will be fully reimbursed whereas the cost of an ultrasound scan carried out as standard procedure during pregnancy will not be refunded”.

Aleteia (Jules Germain) 21/03/2016

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