A Company implants a microchip under the skin of its employees

Publié le 17 Fév, 2017

In Belgium, a sub-cutaneous microchip the size of a grain of rice has been implanted between the thumb and index finger of eight volunteers working for the NewFusion Company. The microprocessor allows them “to open the entrance door to the Company or activate their computer like a badge”. The microchip contains personal data and, as Vincent Nys, spokesperson for NewFusion explained, “if you place a Smartphone in front of it, you can immediately send your contact details to someone”.


The initiative has raised some concerns, especially with regard to private life: “It’s a real risk,” said Alexis Deswaef, President of the Human Rights’ League at the RTBF (public broadcasting organisation of the French-speaking community of Belgium). Employees are now being monitored from under their skin. It is a total control tool. You know exactly when an employee started to work for the Company and when he/she takes a cigarette break. Then you will analyse if he/she is sufficiently productive? What will this collection of data be used for? Will we have to relinquish some of our rights to a private life for greater security and comfort in the future? “.

Europe 1 (04/02/2017) ; Le Parisien (03/02/2017)

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