Foetal tissue research: U.S. to limit public funding
U.S.: natural birth control methods better recognized by health authorities
GMO babies: shorter life expectancy?
Pope Francis: “No human being can ever be incompatible with life”
Genetically modified babies: a second international committee is established


Bioetthics press synthesis


Organ donation: the automatic assumption that follows from presumed consent is contrary to the very principle of donation

The Swiss bishops are opposed to presumed consent for organ donation. "We are not against organ donation [...]. But we ...

The United Kingdom: towards laws facilitating surrogacy?

Au Royaume-Uni, la Law Commission, chargée de conseiller le gouvernement sur les réformes juridiques, vient de rédiger un projet de ...

U.S.: Ban on abortion past eight weeks of pregnancy in Missouri

The Governor of the State of Missouri, Mike Parson, signed a law on Friday reducing the period during which abortion ...