On Monday, 22 September 2014, the Montpellier University Hospital Centre (CHU) announced that it had developed a new process: 3D print embryos (Gènéthique press review on September 22nd, 2014). Numerous journals have commented on this advance, such as Sciences et Avenir, which has even outlined the technique per se.
The daily newspaper, La Croix, however, emphasises the ethical debate triggered by this technique. In fact, the option to enlarge and examine embryos in 3D primarily seeks to sort embryos more efficiently before inseminating the one(s) that have been screened. The newspaper concludes with the reaction of the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation which issued a press release condemning this technique which “is geared to selecting the strongest human embryos and eliminating the weakest“.
La Croix 24/09/2014 – Sciences et Avenir 22/09/2014