2007 results of human genetics and procreation activities

Publié le 30 Sep, 2008
The 2007 annual report of the Agency of Biomedicine has just been issued and presents the conditions of the medically assisted procreation, on the eve of the revision of the bioethics law, in 2009. In 2006, the different techniques of medically assisted procreation (MAP) enabled the birth of 20,042 children (or 2.2% of births in France), of which 1,122 coming from anonymous spermatozoids (6%) and 106 anonymous oocytes (1%). More and more frozen embryos On 31st December 2006, we counted 176,000 frozen embryos, of which 93,116 (52.8%) are subject to a current ”parental project”, 37,435 (21.2%) are not anymore subject to it and could possibly been welcomed by another couple or assigned to the research, and 45,972 (26%) are subject to a disagreement within the couple or to a non-response regarding their fate.
We note a very high increasing number of frozen embryos
 On 31st December we counted 141,460. One year later, we count 34,512 additional embryos. In 2006, around sixty embryos were subject to a donation to another couple and 10 children were born. The stock of embryos declared as “available” for the research thus seems unlimited.
The MTP increasing by 10%
In 2006, the number of certifications requested and delivered in order to authorise a medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) increased by more than 10% (6,787 in 2006 vs. 6,093 in 2005) 402 pregnancies have been continued despite the notification of a disease which could have, according to the law, enabled a MTP. Almost half of these pregnancies resulted in the birth of a living child, but the report does not specify how many were unhurt by the notified disease.

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